Leaks Allowance: Water Corporation, WA

Suspect you are losing water?

Customers may be granted a "leak allowance" from their water utility if they have experienced an increase in water consumption due to a hidden leak in their irrigation system.

Are you losing water?

What do I get as park of a leak allowance?

You may be able to receive an allowance of up to 50% of the estimated water lost. The allowance, however, doesn’t cover the cost for any repair work or services. Water Corporation considers each application on a case-by-case basis.

Water Corporation

Leak Allowance Application Eligibility and Criteria

Learn more about the steps you need to undertake for your application

Application conditions

  • The leak is hidden and not readily detectable.
  • The water use charge on your recent bill was over $250 or the amount of water use was over 150kL.
  • The leak was repaired by:
    • A Licensed Plumber for repairs on internal plumbing
    • A Waterwise Garden Irrigator (WGI) for repairs irrigation systems. A WGI isn't authorised to repair leaks on your internal plumbing service or install manual isolation or backflow prevention devices.
  • A leak allowance will only be considered after you have your plumbing or irrigation repairs completed to meet the industry standards. The plumbing or irrigation repairs must be compliant with government regulations.
  • The leak was repaired within 60 days of detection or receiving a high water use or leak notification with your bill.
  • You are occupying and/or maintaining the property.
  • You submit your leak allowance form within 6 months of the repair date.
Please note

A Waterwise Garden Irrigator may complete irrigation repairs only and is not allowed to repair leaks on your internal plumbing service or install manual isolation or backflow prevention devices.

An allowance will not be considered:

  • The leak is visible and readily detectable in:
    • Internal or external taps, fittings or fixtures, such as shower heads, toilet cisterns, dish washers, washing machines or other water appliances and valves; or
    • In a swimming pool, spa, pond, water feature and related fittings.
  • The leak hasn't been repaired (or verified) by a licensed plumber.
  • The garden irrigator valve (if applicable) does not as a minimum have a manual isolation valve and master solenoid installed.
  • The leak is on vacant land or a property under construction, uncapped meters and open-end meters with no standpipe.
  • The property is subject to a 'Special Agreement' provided under Water Corporation's Major Consumer Framework e.g. a mining company with high water use demand who has a special service condition.

What is a hidden leak?

A hidden leak is one that is not visible and often occurs from a cracked or broken pipe underground, in walls, underneath paving or driveways.

Stop tap at water meter

  • Is used by Water Corporation to temporarily stop the flow of water when carrying out routine repairs and maintenance. Customers may also use the stop tap to shut off the supply temporarily to carry out repairs to internal pipes and fittings.
  • Is not to be used for an extended period to shut off supply. If the stop tap fails, wall water use remains the responsibility of the property owner. To shut off the supply for an extended period a manual isolation valve must be installed on the internal pipework for this purpose.

How to apply for leak allowance

To apply there’s a few things you’ll need:

  • Your latest bill – you’ll need to provide your account number, verify your water use amount in kilolitres (kL) or water use charges. All this information can be found on your bill. Please visit "Understanding your water bill" to learn more about where to find the information you need
  • Your meter number
  • Your current meter reading or meter reading following the repairs
  • A digital copy of the repair invoice from your licensed plumber or waterwise garden irrigator.

Water Corporation Claim Outcomes

Once you’ve applied for a leak allowance, Water Corporation’s team will confirm the outcome within 15 business days.

If you are granted an allowance, the amount you receive will be credited to your account and appear on your next bill.